Friday, December 22, 2006

EFT for a specific piece of clutter.

You can use EFT to slowly break down the resistance to throwing things away by picking up one thing that you know needs to go but you can't bring yourself to, and asking yourself why over and over again, and tapping on the answers that pop into your head.

For instance, you can take an expired coupon from a paper pile, or something small and without a lot of charge to it, and hold it in your hand. Say, out loud, that you are going to throw this away. See if you get any emotional response from it- fear, anger, sadness- and go through an entire circuit on whatever pops into your head.

An example of how this could work would be like this:

Your Strong Self: I am going to throw this expired coupon away.

That Nasty Voice In The Back Of Your Head: No you're not. We might need that some day.

Your Strong Self: (while tapping on the eyebrow point) I can't throw this away, we might need it some day. And I choose to throw it away anyway. It's expired.

TNVITBOYH: You're not going to throw it away, you never throw anything away.

YSS: (while tapping the outer eye point) I never throw anything away. That's OK, I am going to throw away this expired coupon.

TNVITBOYH: This is going to end in failure like everything else you do. You're not going to throw that away. We need it.

YSS: (while tapping on the upper lip point) Even though I need this, and I am not going to throw this away, and this is going to end in failure, I am going to throw away this expired coupon.

TNVITBOYH: You failed miserably the last time you tried to clean your house, what makes you think this time will be any different?

YSS: (while tapping the chin point) I did fail miserably the last time I tried to clean my house. I'm not trying to clean my house. I am just going to throw away this old, expired coupon. Just this one. And that will be a success.

TNVITBOYH: You're so pathetic. Throwing away a coupon isn't success. Look at the rest of this mess.

YSS: (tapping on collarbone point) I might be pathetic, but I'm saying that throwing away this coupon is success. I don't need to clean up this whole mess, I CHOOSE to throw away this coupon. And that's all I need. When I am ready for it, I will throw it away.

Keep going through all the points, and tapping on anything that the nasty voice says, until you are no longer upset at the idea of throwing away the coupon. Don't let it distract you from the coupon! It might try to drag you off into other pain, to scare you away from fixing your anxiety about throwing away the coupon.

Once you have eliminated the anxiety about throwing away the coupon, and you feel good about it, march outside, toss the coupon into your dumpster, go inside and tap on all the points while saying "I am proud of this accomplishment and my glorious victory over my clutter. I threw something away and I am proud of myself."

If you feel like it, pick up one more thing you want to get rid of and repeat the process. If not, simply enjoy yourself and do it again with something else you are anxious about getting rid of tomorrow.

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