Friday, December 22, 2006

Does EFT work?

When I first learned about EFT I thought it was the goofiest thing I had ever seen. For one thing, I thought affirmations were stupid (my actual language is a bit coarser about the subject of affirmations), and I was supposed to say these weird, scripted affirmations when tapping my body all over, including lifting my arm and poking my armpit?

You have GOT to be kidding me!

EFT is free to try, though, and I am the type of person that will try anything and everything at least once. I figured the only thing I had to loose was 15 minutes.

The first issue I tapped on was physical pain from having a minor surgery. I hated the way the pain medication made me feel. I tapped on it, and the pain faded within one round to almost nothing. I started experimenting like crazy, to find out what else it might work on. I've spent the last year trying to test EFT to failure and each and every time, I find some way that it works to solve my problem.

I come from a family of compulsive hoarders and clutter bugs. I understand the deep empty feeling, the void within that makes someone try to fill it with things. EFT is the only thing I have ever seen that will close the void. No willpower, no medication, and no struggle is needed. It simply allows the old pain to be healed, so that you feel happy without the things. You start to be able to clean without feeling overwhelmed, angry, unappreciated, and panicked.

Life becomes a joy instead of a struggle.

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