Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Demand Resistance and Flylady

I saw an interesting comment on Smackytravel's blog (which I just found, but is hilarious). The first comment is:

i hate flylady. hate hate hate. i hate it so much that i would just get mad when i saw the emails and then not clean my house just to spite her.


Wow, did that strike home! Anyone else feel that?

Everyone who's had our sorts of problems has seen or heard of Flylady. Some of us have had Flylady shoved down our throat as the ultimate panacea. Those of us who are not happy flybabies right now usually have the same sort of reactions to her- she makes us ANGRY and when she tells us to do something it PISSES US OFF, or we feel guilty for not doing it all perfectly and decide that the answer to our troubles is to finish off the Chinese takeout from lunch.

I've heard this called demand-resistant behavior. I have a love/hate relationship to Flylady. The person who's demands I tend to resist the most are that of my Mom, who happens to be a dead ringer for Flylady. They look, talk, and dress the same, and sometimes if I'm already feeling bitter or angry about Flylady bossing me around, if she uses one of the nag phrases my Mom used to clobber me with that'll push me from dragging my feet to digging my heels in. And if my Mom starts to nag me about not doing Flylady perfectly, that's game, set, match. That sink is staying nasty, and no force on Heaven or Earth can stop me.

The lovely thing about EFT is that you can address and defuse the bomb of emotions that are the root cause of demand resistance. You can get every part of you on the same team, and pulling in the same direction. It's great! Instead of part of me feeling angry, part of me not wanting to do this, part of me feelng guilty for not having done it already, and part of me feeling overwhelmed, and part of me resenting this, so that the general consensus among the different parts of me is to go take a nap, and forget the sink, I just go, tidy up the sink, and then feel a lot better afterwards.

I can't imagine having to go back to living like that. I finally feel free.

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